Apple designs and manufactures face shields to protect staff at health centers across the United States. The technology company also increases the number of face shield donated to health centers to 20 million.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said last week that the first recently developed face protector had been delivered to a medical center. He added that each shield is assembled in less than two minutes and is fully adjustable, adding that the feedback from doctors has been positive so far and that the company hopes to expand the distribution of these protectors outside the United States.
“We are working with specialist doctors and government officials across the United States to bring these protections and masks where they are urgently needed,” he said.
The company’s design, engineering, packaging, and operations teams, as well as its suppliers, are working on the project. Apple plans to produce 1 million face protectors each week and donate them to medical centers.
This is Apple’s latest effort to fight the all-encompassing coronavirus. The company also recently launched an application to update information about the Coronavirus. It also donated $ 15 million in aid last month.