These masks prevent the spread of infection between the patient and the health care staff. They are commonly used under normal conditions, not in areas with outbreaks and outbreaks of an infectious disease respiratory. However, it is also used to control the spread of the disease in normal people. This type
The masks do not fit the face completely and a lot of polluted air from the air can be inhaled enter the person’s lung between the mask and the face. These masks must be closed after use in plastic bags and be repelled. It should be noted that due to the nature of this type of mask) very large leaks from the sides mask (leak test is not designed for them. Therefore, if necessary and sensitive, masks can be used or use FFP2. Surgery or health care masks are smooth or wrinkled 3 N95 Surgery and their straps are tied around their heads. If wearing medical masks, use and dispose of properly
Ensure they are effective and prevent the increased risk of transmission due to improper use and disposal of masks. It is essential.
The following information is recommended for the use of masks in health care settings:
- The surgical mask must be highly resistant to liquids and breathable and must be inhaled
Do not swallow. - Carefully place the mask on the face to cover the mouth and nose and tie or tie tightly until
Minimize any gaps between the face and the mask. - Avoid touching the mask while using it.