With both of our high power lasers, we can engrave nearly any surface with an accuracy to the hundredth of a millimeter. Lasers are the accepted high quality standard for engraving and have taken over other methods by and large. With extreme precision and high accuracy, laser engraving is also much faster and more versatile. With laser engraving, you can calibrate exactly how much of the surface you’d like to remove, leaving an edge that is clearly felt for a more authentic texture, or an extremely smooth surface that seems untouched at all. Some of the examples of materials that can be laser engraved are wood, metal, a variety of plastics, glass, and even leather. There are of course limitations depending on the type of material, the laser may not be able to engrave at all; some are simply too reflective and the light energy is not absorbed at all.
See the following pictures for examples of laser engraving:
More about Laser Engraving
Laser engraving services have a wide variety of applications in the industrial field. From cutting Plexiglas or wood to produce beautiful signage or decorative pieces, to metal engraving and precision marking, the potential for production is nearly limitless. If you or your company needs laser cutting for high precision work, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
The medical sector also has very interesting applications of laser marking services outside of the commonly-known skin treatment field. Laser cutting can be used to cut and label very small and intricate patterns into Microfluidic devices, which are used in labs for better blood analysis. The creation and customization of medical devices’ face plates is often accomplished with laser marking as well.
Recently, with the advance of art into fields and mediums previously considered irrelevant, creation and customization with lasers has become the basis for many astounding pieces. With the ability to engrave, cut and mark on wood or other material, printing images onto surfaces or creating customized jewelry, lasers are brushes for the unconventional canvas.
What makes any gift special is the thought and effort that go into it. With lasers, nearly any item that you may wish to gift can be customized and engraved with your own personal message to the recipient. And if you’re fresh out of ideas as to what to get for that one person who has everything, give us a shout! We have more than a few suggestions for using laser marking to make any gift that much more special.